Daily Tribune: Taking Everything with Different Grains of Salt on October 24, 2014 #2014 #aroen #article #blog #dailytribune #food #foodtrip #gabrielleborromeo #gourmet #kitchen #lifestyle #newspaper #philippines #salt +
Ber Months and Halloween! on September 09, 2014 #2013 #2014 #bermonths #cebu #Cleopatra #figola #gabrielleborromeo #Halloween #party #penthouse #philippines #theloft #TrickorTreat +
Daily Tribune: Family Staycation at the Heart of Manila on September 08, 2014 #2014 #dailytribune #family #fourstar #gabrielleborromeo #hotel #love #manilapavillion #newspaper #philippines #published #staycation #vacation #waterfront +
Once A Princess Movie Review on August 14, 2014 #2014 #blog #enchongdee #erichgonzales #filipino #jcdevera #movie #onceaprincess #philippines #rant #tagalog +
Daily Tribune: Surprises, Horrors and Delights on August 05, 2014 #2014 #bgc #bgceats #bgceats2014 #bonifacioglobalcity #chefsau #dailytribune #earthworms #food #foodie #gabrielleborromeo #locusts #nancylumen #newspaper #philippines #review +