Summer in February

Written by: Gabrielle Borromeo

2014 FEBRUARY, CEBU PHILIPPINESIt’s a beautiful day in Cebu. The clouds are bright, the sun is shining, the waters are clear and the wind is a breeze. With this kind of weather, Mövenpick Hotel Cebu is definitely the place to be.

Those words were exactly my thoughts on that very day I was spending my vacation. And today my memory of it is still very vivid, that day was filled with nothing but happiness. Everything that happened that day was just as it should be. I guess I really enjoyed my stay!

Yep, that's it! That there is Mövenpick Hotel Cebu and Mövenpick Residences
What made my vacation worthwhile was also the company of some family and friends. My friends who visited me were cousins Ghia and Pawi Balankig and Pawi’s boyfriend Pierre. Wait, wait, wait. Didn’t I tell her it was strictly an all-girl’s day out?! Haha just kidding, Pierre’s pretty cool.

Ghia's probably the friend I've had for the longest time, since diaper days! Nah, just kidding haha! We were a bit older than that. I met her when we were in kindergarten and we've been best friends ever since. We've been through a lot together. I should really post some throwback pictures of us. ;)

Anyway, going back to Mövenpick, it’s actually funny how they got to me. When they arrived at Mövenpick Hotel Cebu, I told them to go straight up to my room. Minutes later, they called saying they were already outside my door but when I checked they were no where in sight. (If it was late at night, I’d be so creeped out. Thank God for daylight!) Ends up, they were at the other building, the Mövenpick Residences, pounding on someone elses door. Unfortunately no one was there to open the door and kick their sorry ass, haha! As soon as they knew, they ran to the right door.

After relaxing for a bit in the room, we decided it was time to hit the beach even if it was in the middle of the afternoon. It was really hot, the sun was on our back, but good sunlight is good lighting and that means great pictures. We were definitely up for that.

Well, someone looks happy!

Channeling our inner "mean girls" walk ;)
Well this went well. Ghia working her Miley Cyrus tongue-out face ;)

Cousins Pawi and Ghia Balankig
Uh, I don't like this. Where was I when this was taken?!


Well, someone looks extremely happy! :)
All I know is, she should be, she deserves all the happiness in the world. I would know.
Glad I captured her in action, laughing off her white pearls with her shades on. 
Then she turns around and shows of her sexy back. Yep, that's Ghia!

SPOTTED: Vanessa Hudgens. Hahahaha, how I wish ;)
How could I forget? Of course in every vacation there just has to be a couple. And of course for this scene, it's the love birds in paradise, Pierre and Pawi.

And then there's Ghia and Pierre. They were really funny. They were like cats and dogs meowing and barking at each other, bickering at almost anything. Their punchlines were a hit. It was really hilarious.

Did I mention, I had my little sister with me? Lulu was so funny because she was so bored. She wanted to enjoy the beach but of course I wouldn't allow her out of my sight and well taking a lot of pictures bummed her out.

She looks really irritated doesn't she? She even laid down on the huge pillow, and promised she wouldn't get up until I swam with her. So of course I did. Haha! But hey, her shots look really awesome for someone who's not even trying. ;)

This vacay was definitely one for the books! A summer (in February) to remember. 

"Summer only means: Hair gets lighter. 
Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. 
Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. 
Night gets longer. Life gets better."
