99 Days by Katie Cotugno
I really wanted to love this book because first, I could hardly put the book down, my eyes were glued to the pages. Second, the characters grew into me-but there was just something so off about them too that I just couldn't continue holding them dearly in my heart.
It's really the author's fault, no offense. Katie Cotugno is a feminist, and hey, before you go all defensive on me, I'm a girl so I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Believe me, I'm all about women empowerment...except when it goes against my beliefs.
Again, before you go all defensive on me, this is my blog and my review about the book. This is my way of letting off steam. This is my way of slamming the book down because I can't do it physically since it's in my iPhone. It's my opinion, so please let me speak in peace. I am not targeting anyone, nor am I trying to put anyone down. These are just my two cents...and my beliefs.
#1 Julia Donnelly is gay. She's in a relationship with Elizabeth. Gabe, her brother and Molly are so proud of her for this, for coming out. I really have nothing to say about it. It of course just tells me a lot about the author and what she believes in. To add to this, Diana Barlow, the mother of Molly, also turns out to be gay at the end of book and again, Molly being perfectly happy for her mother on this. I guess Katie's a firm believer of women being able to be with anyone they want to be with.
#2 Molly Barlow is judged as a cheater by what feels like the whole of Star Lake. She feels the double standard on this. She feels unfair by all of this. The author is somewhat explaining how it shouldn't be this way, either "no hate" or "hate both" and I agree to this.
9 Days & 9 Nights by Katie Cotugno
#3 Molly Barlow ends up pregnant and gets an abortion. This blows my mind. I just don't agree to this. From here, I see how the book makes it seem perfectly okay to have an abortion because of women's rights. In fact, it was clear how Diana and Imogen (Molly's bestfriend) was supportive about this, including Gabe when he found out. Again, because of "women empowerment." I just don't agree to this. For me, abortion is murder and it shocks me how it's so accessible nowadays, especially with books making it seem to be perfectly alright. I see how books can influence its readers to find it okay to begin with. I see what the author Katie is doing here.
#4 Molly Barlow and her boyfriend Ian, in the book 9 Days & 9 Nights, never slept with each other. It just never felt right yet to do the deed, as the book says. At some point the two quarrel and Molly points out that even if she's been with him for 20 years or married him, she's never obliged to sleep with him. It's her body, it's her choice. She has a point because I also believe nobody should be forced into anything they are not into but instead of it coming off like that, Molly makes it sound wrong. In my opinion, Molly is making it sound like "I'm a woman, I can do this. I have a choice if I don't want to. I can get this and I can get away with this because I'm a woman." She makes women sound so selfish and self-centered. Of course, in my opinion, it's just the way the author thinks, it's her beliefs.
For now this is all I can say.