Written by: Gabrielle Borromeo
People often forget their limitations and push every bit of strength they have in them just to accomplish a task. They come up with whatever reason they have to keep on going even when they know it’s causing them more harm—but is it right to let it get that far and stop only when their body finally crashes? Everybody’s been there and everybody is guilty of it. People only take a break from it all when sickness hits them.
But here’s my two cents worth of thoughts: there’s a blessing in pushing one’s limits, because it’s only then one will realize they can do more. However before one begins the battle’s of each day, one must remember to shield themselves with good sleep, good food and vitamins!
That’s where Pharmaton comes in. Pharmaton is a combination of Multivitamin + Minerals + Deanol + Ginseng Extract. Together it helps the energy in one’s body last longer, by converting energy from food into usable energy, enhancing one’s performance in completing their daily tasks. It also fights fatigue and most importantly improves one’s memory and attention.
Pharmaton Unstoppable Cinemaxclusive was launched just last October 2013 at the Greenbelt mall, Metro Manila. It began with a sumptuous buffet dinner at Italliani’s for the media and the bloggers followed by another celebration at one of my favorite restaurant’s Bubba Gump. The event was literally jam-packed for people were crowding the room with excitement. There was also a photo booth wherein one could take a picture with the replica of Pharmaton’s brand ambassador Derek Ramsay beside them.
The event continued with a block screening of Gravity starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in the cinemas. Just when the movie ended and I thought the event was done, I was wrong. There were still cocktails available at Bubba Gump for the attendees to take pleasure in before the night came to a close.
85 lucky winners plus two friends all had the chance to enjoy the whole-night event because of the promotions of key radio stations and the digital raffle via the Pharmaton Cinemaxclusive App which was launched on Pharmaton’s Facebook page.
It was a fun-filled event, honestly one of the best event’s I’ve been to. And who could complain? It was a dinner + movie + party all in one and of course at the end of the page it had a lesson to learn from: take your daily dose ofPharmaton vitamins because health is wealth!
For more information, visit Pharmaton’s Facebook page at facebook.com/PharmatonPH for other promo updates and news.